This blog has been set up to set the record straight and counter the misleading claims being made by pokie trusts and casinos about
proposed gambling reforms - including Te Ururoa Flavell's
Gambling Harm Reduction Bill.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

BigFatLies vs the Real Oil

The pokie ‘trusts’ are spending megabucks of public money on fighting this Bill – this Lion Foundation newsletter is an example.
Their future, and their fat directors’ fees and salaries, are at risk – so the fibs and half-truths they will tell will try and convince the public to keep their cosy little (or not-so-little) nests intact.
BigFatLiePokie ‘trusts’ are claiming a few minor ‘tweaks’ will fix all the problems. Real Oilif so, why haven’t they made those tweaks themselves any time over the last 20 years?
BigFatLiePokie ‘trusts’ claim they are already heavily regulated and don’t need any more restrictions. Real Oil: So why are some pokie trusts paying out less than even the pathetic 37% of income as community grants.
BigFatLiePokie ‘trusts’claim the biggest impact of the new law will be on ‘community groups’. Real Oil: So how does that work if most of their grants are going to sports?
BigFatLie: Pokie ‘trusts’ claim Council-organised distribution systems will return less to the community, and be less accountable. Real Oilonly 41% of pokie trust income goes back to the community – 100% of Creative NZ and Hillary Commission funds run by Councils went back to the community.

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