Their future, and their fat directors’ fees and salaries, are at risk – so the fibs and half-truths they will tell will try and convince the public to keep their cosy little (or not-so-little) nests intact.
BigFatLie: Pokie ‘trusts’ are claiming a few minor ‘tweaks’ will fix all the problems. Real Oil: if so, why haven’t they made those tweaks themselves any time over the last 20 years?
BigFatLie: Pokie ‘trusts’ claim they are already heavily regulated and don’t need any more restrictions. Real Oil: So why are some pokie trusts paying out less than even the pathetic 37% of income as community grants.
BigFatLie: Pokie ‘trusts’claim the biggest impact of the new law will be on ‘community groups’. Real Oil: So how does that work if most of their grants are going to sports?
BigFatLie: Pokie ‘trusts’ claim Council-organised distribution systems will return less to the community, and be less accountable. Real Oil: only 41% of pokie trust income goes back to the community – 100% of Creative NZ and Hillary Commission funds run by Councils went back to the community.
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